최근 80억원 규모의 시리즈A 투자 유치에 성공하며 V2X 시장에서 의미 있는 매출을 확보할 수 있을 것이라는 기대감을 높이고 있는 에티포스의 김호준 대표이사와 만나 향후 사업 방향과 V2X 전망에 대해 들어봤다.
“V2X Leading Global Company to Be Reborn”
Series A investment in April 2024, accelerated development targeting global C-V2X market
Developing sensor sharing, ultra-low latency modem technology, and applications through 5G V2X
[Editor's Note] For connected cars and autonomous driving at level 4 or higher, V2X (Vehicle to Everything) technology that enables vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-object communication is essential. Accordingly, major countries including the US, EU, Japan, and China, including Korea, are finalizing V2X communication policies and entering the V2X market in earnest. In the midst of this, a domestic company with world-class V2X technology is drawing attention. It is Ettifos, which has developed an SDM (Software Defined Modem) solution that implements the C-V2X method in software, drawing attention from the industry. Founded in 2018 and focusing on the development of V2X modems and equipment, Ettifos is recognized for its technological prowess by completing compatibility tests with Keysight, a global measuring equipment company, for the world's first 5G-V2X modem in 2023. Recently, it successfully attracted 8 billion won in Series A investment, raising expectations that it will be able to secure meaningful sales in the V2X market. Accordingly, our magazine met with Etiforce CEO Kim Ho-jun to hear about the future business direction and V2X outlook.

▲Kim Ho-jun, CEO of Etiforce
■ Please introduce Etiphos. Etiforce is a company that provides C-V2X solutions based on Software Defined Modem (SDM).
It started with the establishment of the US headquarters and Korean research center in 2018, and the relocation of the Korean headquarters in 2022.
After completing Series A investment in April 2024, the company is further accelerating development targeting the global C-V2X market.
■ What does it mean to Etiphos that the C-ITS communication method has been confirmed as LTE, and what are the business developments and future directions since then? Etifos already demonstrated its LTE-V2X modem technology at the ITS-WC (World Congress) Singapore in October 2019.
As the C-ITS communication method was confirmed as LTE-V2X, market uncertainty was eliminated and the previously suspended market was reopened.
Etifos is leading the market with its C-V2X products developed by the company, especially the C-V2X RSU (Road Side Unit) that can be upgraded to LTE-V2X/5G-V2X, with its competitiveness compared to other companies.
■ We are working with various organizations including 5GAA to develop V2X with many partners. I am curious about the V2X issues that are becoming issues domestically and internationally, and what role Etiphos is playing.
V2X is ready for commercialization in its initial market, Day 1 safety services.
However, cooperative autonomous driving, which is currently the most demanded V2X, is still in its initial stages.
Implementing and commercializing this in Day 2 service is a necessary task going forward.
Cooperative autonomous driving requires sensors, communications, and MEC.
Here, communication is 5G-V2X direct communication and object recognition (using AI) via MEC are key technologies.
Here, Etiforce is developing modem technology that enables sensor sharing and ultra-low latency through 5G-V2X, and is also developing applications.
■ In the first half of 2024, Etiforce delivered a lot of good news, including attracting Series A investment and obtaining approval for V2X frequency use from the Federal Communications Commission. I want to hear the driving force and story that made this possible.
The successful Series A investment in the first half of the year is recognition of Etiphos' core competitive edge, the Software Design Modem (SDM) technology.
Etiphos' technology for SDM and V2X was possible because Etiphos' staff consists of people with over 20 years of industry experience in communication modems from companies such as Intel and Samsung Electronics.
Etiphos was established as a company targeting V2X, and has secured competitiveness by developing V2X systems and modems, and providing turnkey solutions from V2X modems to upper-level applications.
■ At the end of July, news was delivered that interoperability with Qualcomm commercial products had been secured (LTE), and in August, news was delivered that testing with Autotalks had been completed (5G). What does it mean to have successfully completed both tests, and what impact will it have on the global V2X market?
Etiforce C-V2X SDM has completed Autotalks and 5G-V2X interoperability tests, leading the way to 5G-V2X as a global leader.
This means that Etifos has secured an upgradeable C-V2X solution that ensures interoperability with Qualcomm commercial products for LTE-V2X using the same C-V2X SDM.
It is possible to respond with a single C-V2X platform to the US, Korea, and China, where V2X is commercialized with LTE-V2X, as well as the Japanese and European markets, where 5G-V2X is expected to be commercialized.
In particular, 5G-V2X is playing a leading role in the global market.
■ Please say a word to e4ds readers As a Korean company, we are competing in the global market by developing upgradeable LTE-V2X/5G-V2X solutions with our own IP.
In particular, it is growing into a company ranked in the world's top 4 as a V2X specialized company.
Etiforce will grow into a global company that can lead the V2X field. We ask for your interest and support.
thank you

▲Ethiforce CEO Kim Ho-jun explains the V2X solution.
▲Ethiphos V2X solution demonstration scene