우리나라가 제안한 자율주행 교통신호 데이터 표준(TLSM)이 자율차 분야사실상 국제표준인 미(美) 자동차기술자협회 표준(SAE J2735)의 2024년 개정판으로 반영돼 16일(미국시간 기준) 발간됐다.
US Standards Published, KS R 1600-3 Contents SAE J2735 Revision Proposal
The autonomous driving data standard developed in Korea has been published as an American standard and has been recognized internationally.
The autonomous driving traffic signal data standard (TLSM) proposed by our country was published on the 16th (based on US time) as a 2024 revised edition of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE J2735), the de facto international standard in the autonomous vehicle field.
SAE J2735 (V2X Communication Message Set Dictionary) is a standard that defines autonomous driving data formats, including the Traffic Light Signal Message (TLSM) format, and is being used as a de facto dominant standard in the global autonomous driving industry.
The National Agency for Technology and Standards (President Jin Jong-wook) has been promoting standards cooperation, such as participating in SAE standard establishment and revision activities, based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with SAE in 2023. This achievement is the result of the acceptance of the proposal for the SAE J2735 revision of the contents of KS R 1600-3 (Traffic Signal Data), which was developed by the National Police Agency (President Cho Ji-ho) and the Korea Road Traffic Authority and which the KATS is promoting to establish as a national standard (KS).
Since 2020, the KATS has been developing national standards for autonomous driving data (KS R 1600 1-7) in collaboration with relevant ministries and industries. Standardization of autonomous driving data formats is essential not only for improving the basic safety of autonomous driving as a common language for communication among autonomous vehicles, transportation infrastructure, and smart devices, but also for expanding future mobility businesses such as car sharing and remote monitoring.
Work is in progress to establish seven national standards (KS) by 2025, including data usage scenarios for autonomous driving, vehicle information, traffic signals, maps, control, and pedestrian safety data.
Director Jin Jong-wook said, “This is the first case where our autonomous driving data standard has been recognized internationally,” and added, “KATS will continue to promote the establishment of national standards (KS) for autonomous driving data, which will serve as the foundation for establishing autonomous driving infrastructure and revitalizing the industry, and will support the globalization of domestic technology through international cooperation, such as Korea-U.S. standards cooperation.”
Commissioner General of the Korean National Police Agency George Ho said, “The reflection of Korean traffic signal data in the U.S. standard is the result of inter-agency cooperation for the commercialization of autonomous driving,” and added, “Standardized traffic signal information is essential information that supports not only autonomous vehicles but also the safe operation of future mobility, so I ask for your support and interest in expanding the infrastructure for collection and provision.”