한국전기자동차협회(회장 김필수)는 안호영 위원장(환경노동위원회), 이철규 위원장(산업통상자원중소벤처기업위원회) 공동주최로 ‘전기차 캐즘을 극복하기 위한 정책 방안과 전기차 산업 발전 추진 전략 마련’의 주제로 11월20일 오후 2시에 국회의원회관 대회의실에서 대한전기협회와 공동주관으로 개최한다.
November 20th, National Assembly Members' Hall Conference Room
A meeting was held to establish policies to promote the popularization of electric vehicles and to develop strategies to enter the global electric vehicle market.
The Korea Electric Automobile Association (Chairman Kim Pil-soo) announced that it will hold a joint event with the Korea Electric Association at 2:00 PM on November 20th in the National Assembly Members’ Hall conference room with the theme of “Policy Measures to Overcome the Electric Vehicle Chasm and Establishing Strategies to Promote the Development of the Electric Vehicle Industry,” co-hosted by Chairman Ahn Ho-young (Environment and Labor Committee) and Chairman Lee Cheol-gyu (Industry, Trade, Energy, SMEs and Startups Committee).
This forum aims to diagnose the electric vehicle industry ecosystem and establish new industrial policies to overcome the electric vehicle chasm phenomenon, and to establish policies to promote the distribution of electric vehicles to achieve the carbon neutrality goal and strategies to advance into the global electric vehicle market.
He said that the topic of 'Policy measures to overcome the electric vehicle chasm and promotion strategies for the development of the electric vehicle industry' will be presented in the form of a presentation and panel discussion, with three directors from the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, as well as external experts and two panelists.
The forum program will consist of presentations by directors from the three government ministries and external experts, followed by panel discussions.
Chairman Kim Pil-soo said, “The purpose of this forum is to diagnose the ecosystem for achieving the goal of electric vehicle distribution and to establish a policy direction for the development of the electric vehicle industry in order to reduce greenhouse gases due to climate change and improve the atmospheric environment by promoting the distribution of zero-emission vehicles.” He added, “Through presentations by the heads of departments in charge of the three major ministries, we will discuss subsidy policies for promoting the distribution of electric vehicles in 2025 and policy alternatives and directions for building charging infrastructure and ensuring safety.”He said, “This is a place where we can prepare.”
He also said, “I hope that this will provide an important opportunity to look ahead to the direction of our country’s electric vehicle industry development and mid- to long-term distribution policy through announcements from relevant government ministries, presentations by domestic electric vehicle experts on domestic and international electric vehicle industry policies and policy roadmaps to overcome the electric vehicle chasm phenomenon, and Q&A sessions.”
Anyone who is eligible to attend this forum, including experts from industry, academia, and research related to electric vehicles and electric power, as well as related organizations and companies, can participate. They can attend for free by pre-registering using the poster QR code on the Korea Electric Vehicle Association website ( and the Korea Electric Association website ( by November 15.