온세미가 뷔르트 일렉트로닉(Würth Elektronik)의 패시브 부품 데이터 베이스를 온세미 셀프 서비스 PLECS® 모델 생성기(Self-Service PLECS® Model Generator, 이하 SSPMG)에 통합한다고 14일 발표했다.
Integration of Wurth Passive Components Database into Onsemi SSPMG
ON Semiconductor today announced that it is integrating Würth Elektronik’s passive component database into ON Semiconductor’s Self-Service PLECS® Model Generator (SSPMG).
The intuitive web-based platform enables engineers to create custom, high-precision, high-fidelity PLECS models of complex power electronics applications, enabling them to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks early in the design process. By adding passive system components from Würth Elektronik to SSPMG, the generated switching loss models can achieve higher accuracy than before, he explained.
Typical industrial PLECS models depend on laboratory setup and environment, and component characteristics such as conduction, energy dissipation, and thermal impedance do not always reflect the varying conditions in real-world implementations. In contrast, the SSPMG capability is based on Onsemi’s physically scalable Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) models. This model is based on real-world process variations in semiconductor physics and component manufacturing, and can more accurately represent circuit behavior.
“SSPMG enables ON Semiconductor customers to autonomously generate system-level PLECS models tailored to their specific power applications,” said James Victory, PhD, Fellow and Director of Modeling and Simulation Solutions for ON Semiconductor’s Power Solutions Group. “This enables customers to virtually develop and optimize complete power systems without lengthy and costly fabrication-based processes, accelerating time to market.”
“The full integration of Würth Elektronik’s SPICE model database into ON Semiconductor’s SSPMG will enable design engineers to select both active ON Semiconductor and passive Würth Elektronik components that are right for their application,” said Dayana Cómbita, European Strategic Partnership Manager at Würth Elektronik. “This will enable them to create more accurate switching loss models.”
Meanwhile, the SSPMG loss models can be downloaded and used in customers’ proprietary simulation platforms or uploaded to ON Semi’s industry-leading Elite Power Simulator (EPS). EPS provides customers with direct insight into how their circuit topologies will perform in ON Semi’s EliteSiC family, PowerTrench® T10 MOSFETs, Field Stop 7 (FS7), IGBTs and IPMs.