초고령화 사회에 접어든 이때 UNIST(총장 박종래)의 디자인학과 김관명, 이희승, 이경호, 제임스 셀프(James Self) 교수팀이 개발한 돌봄 로봇인 ‘래미(LEMMY)’가 2025년 1월 미국 라스베이거스에서 열리는 세계 최대 전자제품 전시회인 ‘CES 2025’에서 혁신상을 수상하며, 기술력과 사회적 가치를 인정받았다.

▲UNIST Design Department Research Team (Professor Kwan-Myeong Kim, third from the left in the photo)
CES 2025 Innovation Award, Service Robot to Improve Quality of Life for Seniors
As we enter a super-aging society, UNIST (President Jong-Rae Park)’s service robot for improving the quality of life for the elderly has won the Innovation Award at CES 2025 in recognition of its technological prowess and social value.
UNIST announced that 'LEMMY', a care robot developed by a team of professors Kwanmyung Kim, Heeseung Lee, Kyungho Lee, and James Self from the Department of Design, won the Innovation Award at 'CES 2025', the world's largest electronics show to be held in Las Vegas, USA in January 2025.
At this exhibition, UNIST plans to meet with global business executives and consumers to introduce the future and possibilities of care technology and showcase its technological prowess.
'Rami' is a service robot that helps the elderly live independently and improves their daily activities. It is evaluated as an innovative product that combines technological excellence and practicality. It is receiving positive responses for solving various problems of an aging society and realizing social value.
Among these, the CES Innovation Award is given to products with excellent quality and performance, and 'Rami' receiving this award proves that its technological prowess and social value are recognized internationally.
“The goal of UNIST’s Department of Design is to create innovative products and services through the convergence of design and engineering,” said Professor Kim Kwan-myeong, the project manager. “This achievement was possible thanks to the collaboration of Professor Lee Hee-seung, who developed the robot control technology, Professor Lee Kyung-ho, who designed the intelligent UI/UX using AI technology, and the researchers.”
Meanwhile, Professor Kim's project started in 2021 with support from the Korea Institute of Technology Evaluation and Planning (KEIT), and Shinsung Delta Tech and J Design Works were in charge of product production and design to implement a user-friendly product. The project is currently underway with the goal of completion in 2025, and commercialization is scheduled for the future.

▲Calling the care robot LEMMY