한국자동차연구원(원장 나승식)과 독일 자동차 엔지니어링 기업 FEV 그룹(사장 패트릭 휴페리치)이 ‘수소 엔진 시스템 연구 협력을 위한 업무협약(MOU)’을 체결하며, 친환경 수소 모빌리티 혁신 기술개발에 나선다.
Hydrogen engine system and e-fuel R&D cooperation, leading the way in innovative technology development and ecosystem activation
The Korea Automobile Research Institute (President Seung-sik Na) will join hands with German automotive engineering company FEV Group (CEO Patrick Hufferich) to develop innovative eco-friendly hydrogen mobility technology.
Dr. Seung-Sik Na and Dr. Christophe Menné FEV Vice President Christoph Menne signed a 'MOU for cooperation in hydrogen engine system research' at FEV headquarters in Aachen, Germany on the 13th.
Founded in 1978, FEV is a global automotive engineering company with headquarters in Aachen, Germany, and branches around the world, including in the United States, China, and the United Arab Emirates.
In particular, it is internationally recognized for its development of low-emission, low-consumption engines and systems and the design and development of energy technology, and is actively conducting technological research in various mobility fields.
Through this MOU, Hanjayeon and FEV are expected to continue close cooperation in the field of eco-friendly hydrogen engine systems.
Specifically, we plan to carry out: △International joint research and development (R&D) cooperation for hydrogen engine systems supported by the Korean government, and △Cooperation in discovering new R&D projects for carbon-neutral fuel power systems.
Na Seung-sik, president of Hanjayun, said, “Eco-friendly hydrogen engine technology presents a promising direction for achieving carbon neutrality and a sustainable mobility society,” and added, “Through cooperation with FEV, which has world-class technology and human resources, we will take the lead in developing innovative commercialization technologies and activating the ecosystem.”