삼성전자 한종희 대표이사 부회장과 전영현 DS부문장 부회장이 2일 임직원에게 ‘2025년 신년사’를 사내 메일을 통해 전하며, 2025년 초격차 기술 리더십, 신성장동력 확보, 품질 경쟁력, 준법경영 등을 통해 재도약의 기틀을 마련을 강조했다.
CEO Jong-hee Han and DS Division Manager Yeong-hyeon Jeon jointly deliver New Year's speeches on the 2nd
Samsung Electronics is laying the foundation for a leap forward by 2025 through ultra-gap technology leadership, securing new growth engines, quality competitiveness, and compliance management.
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman and CEO Jong-hee Han and DS Division Head Vice Chairman Young-hyun Jeon delivered their '2025 New Year's Address' to employees via an internal email on the 2nd.
In their joint New Year’s address that day, Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee and Vice Chairman Jeon Yeong-hyeon emphasized that they would lay the foundation for a leap forward based on ultra-gap technology leadership and secure new growth engines.
He also said, “Now is the turning point of AI technology, and it is a time when bold innovation that goes beyond the existing methods of success is needed,” and “Let’s establish ourselves as a clear leader in device AI this year through advanced intelligence.”
He added, “The future created by AI will provide us with many opportunities,” and “We will boldly pursue investments in future technologies and talents while discovering new products, businesses, and innovative business models early on.”
Vice Chairman Han and former Vice Chairman also emphasized quality competitiveness and compliance management.
The two vice presidents said, “In order to strengthen the competitiveness of technology and quality, which are the foundation of our business, we further strengthened our AI and quality-related organizations last year,” and urged, “Let’s do our best to secure future technology leadership and thorough quality assurance.”
Lastly, he urged, “Let’s make compliance with laws and ethics our top management principle and work to establish a culture of compliance.” He concluded by saying, “I hope that this year will be recorded as a year of leap forward and growth in Samsung Electronics’ history.”