인피니언 테크놀로지스(코리아 대표이사 이승수)이 새로운 최첨단 28㎚ 레이더 MMIC인 RASIC™ CTRX8191F의 최종 샘플을 출시하며, 더 높은 성능과 더 높은 신호대 잡음비를 제공하는 최신 레이더 MMIC를 통해 레벨4 이상의 자율주행 요구 사항을 만족시킨다.
Radar MMIC Launched, Delivering Higher Performance and Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Infineon Technologies (Korea CEO Seung-Soo Lee) meets the requirements for autonomous driving up to Level 4 and higher with its latest radar MMIC that provides higher performance and higher signal-to-noise ratio.
Infineon today announced the final sampling of its new state-of-the-art 28nm radar MMIC, the RASIC™ CTRX8191F.
Designed specifically to meet the demands of automation and autonomous driving, the CTRX8191F delivers high performance at low system cost, enabling the next generation of radar imaging modules.
The ability to detect pedestrians in complex cities is a challenge for implementing next-generation automation and autonomous driving.
The development of next-generation 4D and imaging radar is critical to meeting the requirements for L2+ to L4 autonomous driving defined by SAE.
The CTRX8191F radar MMIC delivers higher performance and better signal-to-noise ratio than previous generations.
This level of performance is required to detect vulnerable pedestrians and vehicles at distances of up to 380 metres with a system configuration of eight transmitters and eight receivers.
RASIC MMICs allow multiple devices to be cascaded at low frequencies, eliminating the need for expensive RF materials on the circuit board.
Also, the optimized CTRX8191F The launcher-on-package design allows for easy use of low-cost waveguide antennas.
The state-of-the-art digital PLL provides great flexibility in generating complex waveforms with the industry's shortest flyback time (<1μs).
Additionally, Infineon offers a comprehensive radar development kit, CARKIT, to facilitate rapid design and deployment of radar systems.
Based on the CTRX8191F sensor prototyping module, CARKIT supports various system configurations, such as transmission of ADC data, FFT results, or radar detection information via a Gigabit Ethernet interface.
Included example code and a graphical user interface enable rapid prototyping and design, enabling developers to implement radar system concepts quickly and efficiently.
Additionally, the waveguide antenna applied to CARKIT can be easily replaced to suit specific customer requirements.
CARKIT is available in several versions, including a next-generation 4D forward radar configuration with eight transmitters and eight receivers and a cost-effective corner/forward radar solution with four transmitters and four receivers.